Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One Third Complete

We are officially 1/3 of the way through our time here in Ghana. I know we have done so much but it really has gone by quickly. We are just really getting into our research and starting to make some good relationships. We have a pretty consistent daily routine which begins between 5:30 or 6 am. This is when it is light outside, the cocks start crowing and the Ghanaians are up and busily working. Most of us leave the house for the clinic or the secondary school around 7 am and return home around 12pm or so. Our afternoons are pretty relaxed as we are usually just trying to endure the heat and plug away at our school work. I conducted my first interview yesterday with one of the government teachers from the secondary school and it went fantastic. I am going to have opportunities to interview some great people and attend some interesting political events. Yesterday our professors arrived as well so they have been a big help in guiding us in our research.
We have made some good friends here at our home. We have 4 other single woman who live next to us and one of them, Rebecca, has a one year old daughter named Michelle. This provides a lot of entertainment for us as we get to play with Michelle and talk to all these fun ladies. Two of them are teachers and so they speak English very well. We teach them about our culture and they teach us about their’s and it is great. We are enjoying our time here in Wiamoase and learning a lot. Here are a few more pictures of where we live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, come on now. I finally find your blog and you haven't updated it in over a year?? How are we supposed to keep up with you all? John, hope your first couple of days of school went okay! Now GIVE US A NEW POST!!